Monday, April 20, 2020

DAWN - New Beginnings

Card Meaning:

Dawn – New Beginnings

“When you witness the initial stages of dawn without the benefit of a clock or other timepiece, for a while you may not be able to discern whether the sky is really lightening.  The stars remain visible, and shadows of the night still shape the landscape.  It is that way with any beginning: it is difficult to tell where the old ends and the new begins.  Gradually, however, it becomes clear to your senses that the light is definitely increasing; and as you continue to observe, the world slowly wakes up, accompanied by all the sounds, smells, and freshness associated with it.  Soon the first glimmer of the sun shows.  A new day has begun.

“This is a time to say farewell to the old and honor the new by releasing any self-imposed constraints or resistance to the truth that you know.  This is your chance to develop that project you have been thinking about, embark on that adventure you have dreamed of going on, and take risks in initiating what your intuitive self has been telling you to do.

“As this prospect becomes increasingly visible and real, doubts and uncertainties may arise.  But rest assured – just as dawn inevitably turns into day, by heeding your inner guidance, you will succeed.”

In case you've landed here directly from the Aether without knowing what the heck is going on, you've reached the Card of the Day on Sigil Art and Magick® for the date in the title above.


This is where I post an almost daily Tarot or Oracle card. When I do the Card of the day draw, I always clear the space both physically and energetically and then focus on an energy for the day that will be useful to anyone who happens to see this page at any time.

Since times and dates are a thing that are mostly ignored by the spiritual realm, any date you've chosen to see will have a meaning for you no matter when in time it was actually posted or drawn. So, if you're on this page, this is the card for you in this moment.

There is a link under the image above with the name of the deck I'm using for today's draw. It leads to Amazon's listing of that particular deck if you'd like to check it out for yourself. Currently, the links on this site are not affiliate links, but they will be in the future once the site is a bit more robust. I'll change this notice once that happens.

All interpretations are going to include some or all of the deck's card meanings from the book that came with it. This is done because I will have no way of knowing what question you've asked and I have found that a straight meaning from the deck's book is the most accurate in those cases. I also use many different Oracle decks in addition to Tarot and in those cases it only makes sense to use the meanings that come with the deck.

I Would Love to Hear from You!

Did this card hit home for you? Was it a complete miss? Let me know below how the Card of the Day helped (or didn't help) you in your situation!

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Obligatory Statement: 'For entertainment purposes only.'

Links to products on Amazon and other sites may allow me to earn a small commission on purchases that you make after clicking on them. This in no way changes the price of the products that you buy, but it is a great way to throw a bit of change into my tip jar. Much gratitude to you, and Blessed Be!

Some research for this site was conducted with the assistance of ChatGPT. All information was checked for accuracy by the owner of

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Book Cover

Practical Sigil Magic for Beginners, (written by yours truly), is now available in Softcover and Kindle formats! Click here to check it out on Amazon: