Which Types of Magick Are You Called to Practice?

Book of Shadows on an Altar

Click here to jump to the alphabetical list of Types of Magick.

There are so many different types of magick being practiced, that it might take a while to study them all. They fall into several categories that can overlap, and by that I mean any certain type of magick can fall into more than one of these categories (alphabetically):

  • Divinatory Magick - Uses all forms of divination in an attempt to see the most likely course of action(s) for the best outcome.
  • Earth Magick - Is creative and intuitive although it can be structured as well. This category of magick uses the Earth's energies, herbs, and animal spirits to achieve results.
  • Elemental Magick - uses the four main elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to perform rituals using tools and objects that represent these elements. 
  • Energy Magick - Technically All magick is energy magick, but there are times when the only thing used is the mind and the energy behind an emotion for an outcome. This kind of magick is the simplest in concept but can be the most challenging to perform because it uses (when done alone) no other tools or objects to help focus your energy.
  • Folk Magick - Is usually passed down from one generation to another (but doesn't have to be) and is likely the least structured kind of magick. It uses charms, gestures, chants, and objects spontaneously and intuitively to create specific outcomes.
  • High Magick - Is very structured and ritualized. Also called Ceremonial Magick.
  • Petition Magick - Is a type of prayer magick where one asks a higher power to assist with a specific outcome. This can be spontaneous or very ritualized depending on the practitioner.
  • Sympathetic Magick - Uses an object to represent something or someone in order to connect with it better. Examples include Voodoo Dolls or Money dolls, but are not limited to 'poppet' magick. One could draw a picture of something to represent that something or even use photos or bits of hair and fingernails. 
  • Talismanic Magick - Uses talismans or amulets created or charged with energy by the practitioner and then worn or carried. Examples are the "evil eye" to ward off evil or a charm bag to protect against harm.

Below you'll find a brief description under each of the types of magick listed, as well as the general category (or categories) it might fall into, so that you can quickly narrow your search to a few (or maybe even just one) that you're interested in. They are listed in alphabetical order and some may link to their own page for more detailed information and further resources. The ones that aren't linked to their own page simply don't need more explanation (or that page is currently being built).

Don't feel as if you need to pick only one thing, or even commit to a lifetime practice of whatever calls you right now. We all change and grow as we practice magick, and sometimes that means we change from one kind of magick to another, or that we start practicing a little bit of everything. 

No one can tell you which of these types of magick to practice - you do what feels right for you. Magick is energy, and energy is very personal. So take a look below and see what calls to you. Many of these types of magick overlap with each other. An example would be Ceremonial Magick and Candle Magick. Someone who practices Ceremonial Magick will also use candles and so be practicing Candle Magick as well. But Candle Magick can be practiced without formally practicing Ceremonial Magick.

Before you begin reading the rest of this page, I'd like to ask that you don't get too caught up in labeling yourself or putting yourself in any specific magickal 'box'. Remember that magick is a lifestyle, a way of being, and how you practice it is yours and yours alone. Having said that, there are natural laws that if not followed will either backfire on you (worst case), or simply make your magick ineffective (best case). This is why there are fundamental principles that are used in almost all of these types of magick. Learning these fundamentals before branching out too far will make your magickal practice stronger.

Types of Magick:

Art Magick

Art Magick

Art Magick is pretty self explanatory - if you are the artsy type, then this may call to you. Using any form of creativity to manifest your desires is what this type of magick calls for. It can be used with most other types of magick as well. This type of magick works by using intention while being creative in some way. You could be painting or sculpting, but also you could be decorating a room, scrap-booking, making a vision board, or anything that requires creativity.

This type of magick could fall into the following categories: 

  • Energy Magick
  • Sympathetic Magick
  • Talismanic Magick

Black Magick

Black Magick

Black magick speaks more to intent than to type. There are things that are done in black magick that are not generally done in other forms of magick, but just like any tool, magick of any type can be used for ill intent and to harm others, which is what black magick is. Any magick that intends to do harm to another would be considered black. For example, you could call yourself a "Kitchen Witch", which sounds harmless enough, but if you do a spell to get revenge on someone and try to hurt them, that spell is considered Black Magick.

This type of magick can fall into any of the categories listed a the top of the page. 

Candle Magick

Candle Magick

This is one of the few types of magick that is used with most of the other magickal paths - Ceremonial, Witchcraft, etc. It involves learning how to use candles to hold intention and flame to activate that intention. You'll learn what different colors to use for different kinds of intentions, as well as which herbs and oils can enhance the ritual. Anything can be used with candle magick to help it manifest for you. It's helpful to learn astrology for timing so that it will work better (rather than just getting lucky with the timing), gemstones to assist in continuing the energy of the spell after the candle has gone out, and tarot to help validate results energetically if it's not obvious right away. 

Using candle magick of course requires some safety measures so you don't burn down your space or get hurt. If you cannot burn candles at home, I recommend using another form of magick to manifest your desires.

This type of magick can be used in all of the categories I've listed at the top of the page.

Ceremonial Magick

Ceremonial Magick

Ceremonial Magick  (also called "High Magick") is very structured and has a more masculine energy than most other types of magick. It requires some knowledge of Astrology, tarot, sigils, geomancy, Hebrew letters, and Qabalah. You will work with spirits that help you achieve your goals and you'll use talismans, candles and herbs. It's a very ritualized form of magick requiring banishings, cleansing (both physical and spiritual), and precision of timing and action. This kind of magick requires more commitment to its structure and if you are a beginner, you will have more to learn in order to make it work. It uses celestial energies more often than earthy ones.

This type of magick is of course its own category but overlaps with the following:

  • Divination Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Sympathetic Magick
  • Talismanic Magick

Chaos Magick

Chaos Magick

Chaos Magick has gotten a bad reputation over the years, but simply put, it is magick without a particular system. A practitioner of this type of magick will use whatever works for them in any given moment from any system of magick based on what they believe will work in that moment. The difference between this and Eclectic Magick is that the eclectic practitioner will eventually develop their own system that they mostly stick to and add to over the years. They will also stick to the rules of a given tradition to inform them of how something should work. A Chaos practitioner however is not hemmed in by tradition, boundaries or any particular dogma and will use whatever they feel fits in the moment. They rely on their own moral compass and experience rather than using that of other philosophies. Chaos magick uses the other traditions to inform them of possibilities but not to dictate their actions.

This means that Chaos Magick will fall into any category that the practitioner decides to use in any given moment.

Crystal Magick

Crystal Magick

This type of magick uses gemstones and crystals as a way to produce results in magick. There are many different approaches in crystal magick, but if you are sensitive to the energies of crystals, or just love them around you, then this is a great way to do magick either on its own or in conjunction with any of the other types of magick out there. They work especially well with herbs and candles.

This type of magick can fall into any of the categories listed at the top of this page but will always be a type of Earth Magick.

Elemental Magick

Elemental Magick

This is one of the types of magick that deals with the forces of nature directly and is sometimes called Natural or Earth Magick. Using the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, Elemental Magick tends to attracts those who also have an affinity with plants, animals, and the Earth herself. Elemental magick will use herbs, oils, candles, gemstones, and anything that would fall into the following categories:

  • Divinatory Magick
  • Earth Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick
  • Sympathetic Magick

Fairy Magick

Fairy Magick

This type of magick works directly with the Fae, or Fairies, that are part of the natural word. Most of us cannot see them, but we do see their results in our gardens and forests of the world (and sometimes in our missing keys!). They are more than just little people with wings; the fairy world is an entire dimension of space and time that co-exists with ours and includes many different species and races of beings. Working Fairy Magick is to ask the Fairies for their guidance or assistance, or even to please return the keys that they moved for you. They are playful and mischievous, but can also bring danger if you disrespect them. 

This type of magick generally falls into the following categories:

  • Earth Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick
  • Petition Magick

Gypsy Magick

Gypsy Magick

Gypsy magick has been romanticized quite heavily in the media which is why I am including it here, but it isn't something that can be practiced if you are not an actual Romani Gypsy or have been adopted into one of their many tribes. Their magick focuses on Luck, good and bad, and they use divination often, but never for themselves as that would bring bad luck. Their form of magick can take on any shape, but seems to resemble Santeria (Voodoo) most closely. Only Gypsy women are said to use divination, but never for another Gypsy as that would be an insult to their spirit guides. They seem easily insulted from the perspective of non-gypsies, and may curse you if you have disrespected them or their chosen spirits. So if you go to one of those Psychic shops with the neon eye or palm in the window that offer inexpensive tarot and palm readings, watch your manners, because they are likely either Romani or are working for Romanis in the area.

Herbal Magick

Herbal Magick

Herbal Magick, or sometimes just called Herb Magick, is any magick that works with herbs, resins, plants, and spices. Most practitioners use this in conjunction with several primary types of magick such as Ceremonial, Elemental, or Kitchen Magick to name a few. This type of magick can be used with almost any other form of magick on this page. Click here to see the Magickal Herbs section for more info.

Kitchen Magick

Kitchen Magick

This type of magick is exactly what it says - magick that happens in the kitchen, even if your kitchen is nothing more than a campfire or a hot plate. Applying heat to something, or even just creating a mixture of herbs or spices makes every meal prepared a spell in and of itself. You could create the most magickal cup of tea, or even stir up a magickal box of Mac and Cheese by chanting (or thinking) your intention in with the cheese, milk, and butter.

This type of magick includes making tinctures, salves, and potions, working with herbs and foods, and yes, cooking and baking. Many people call someone who practices Kitchen Magick a "Kitchen Witch". That term doesn't exclude men however, and you don't need to follow the Wiccan religion to be called a witch.

This type of magick could fall into the following categories:

  • Divinatory Magick
  • Earth Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick
  • Sympathetic Magick

Knot Magick

Knot Magick

Knot Magick is the act of tying knots into any kind of string, rope, chain, or anything that you can tie a knot into, while focusing on an intention or holding a specific energy. There are many different specific spells that use the tying of knots, especially in Wicca and Folk magick. But this is a type of magick that can be practiced on its own provided you have some of the basic fundamentals of magick down already.

This type of magick can fall into any of the categories listed at the top of the page.

Love Magick

Love Magick

Love Magick is any kind of magick that is intended to bring love into the life of the practitioner. There are types of love magick that are cautioned against, such as trying to force someone to love you, but if done with some integrity, Love magick can be a very powerful force. Like Money magick (below), this is a type of magick that can be practiced using any magickal tradition and speaks more to intention than a specific form or practice.

This type of magick can fall under any of the categories listed at the top of the page.

Money Magick

Money Magick

Money Magick is universal. Maybe it's just who I hang around, but I haven't met anyone who practices magick that hasn't done some kind of Money Magick. This type of magick is used to draw money into your life. Distinct from "Abundance" or "Prosperity" Magick, Money Magick is specifically used for cash in hand or money in the bank account. It could draw Gold, Silver, or precious gems into your life as well, unless you are very specific in your intention statements.

This type of magick could fall into any of the categories I've listed at the top of this page.

Moon Magick

Moon Magick

This type of magick works with the cycles of the moon. Many Witches, Wiccans, and even Ceremonial Magicians use the Moon's cycles for timing, but Lunar Magick by itself goes farther by casting spells specific to the lunar cycles, such as a Full Moon spell to bring in Abundance during the Full Moon. Someone who practices Moon Magick will need some knowledge of Astrology and Candle Magick at the very minimum. This is a very feminine type of energetic magick, but that doesn't exclude men from working with it. 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' are simply energies and don't always have anything to do with gender or gender identity.

This type of magick could fall into the following categories:

  • Earth Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick
  • High Magick
  • Talismanic Magick

Planetary Magick

Planetary Magick

Planetary Magick uses the energetic correspondences of the planets in our solar system to connect to specific energies to produce results. This type of magick requires extensive knowledge of Astrology and timing and can also use candles and herbs as well. It's mostly used by Ceremonial practitioners and those using Witchcraft, but can be used by anyone. 

This type of magick falls into the following categories:

  • Divinatory Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • High Magick
  • Talismanic Magick

Sigil Magick

Sigil Magick

Sigil Magick is most commonly associated with Chaos Magick but can be used with other forms of magick. It pertains to the use of symbols drawn either on a physical medium or even in the air with your hand or another tool such as a wand or athame (a dagger used as an altar tool). Sigils can be created using the letters in your intention statements and then activated in some way in order to bring about the desired intention. (There are too many types activations to list here, but by clicking here, you'll find the page describing many of them.)

Other kinds of sigils (also called 'seals' such as the Seals of Solomon - Amazon non-affiliate link) are used mostly in Ceremonial Magick and were created by practitioners to represent different spirits and angels in order to connect with them. Sigil magick works well for those who love journaling, writing, and/or drawing - but it will work for anyone if done correctly. For example, the sigil on the left is one I created using the letters in the statement "Good Fortune is Mine Always." You don't have to even recognize all of the letters, as long as the energy is there.

This type of magick could fall into any of the following categories:

  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick
  • High Magick
  • Sympathetic Magick
  • Talismanic Magick

Symbol Magick

Symbol Magick

Symbol Magick is similar to Sigil Magick except that the symbols used are not necessarily drawn from the letters of an intention statement or to connect with spirits. The symbols can be anything that are already in existence such as a pentacle or star of David, or they can be symbols you create in order to connect with any energy. You could consider it to be a mix of Art Magick and Sigil Magick with a less specific outcome intended by the practitioner.

This type of magick can fall into any of the categories described at the top of this page.

Sympathetic Magick

Sympathetic Magick

This is the type of magick that uses poppets or fetishes (think 'voodoo dolls') to create a specific outcome on a person or situation. In addition to making something that represents someone, you will also use things like hair or fingernails from the person the magick is intended for. The idea is that there is always a connection between the person and their 'body parts' so to speak. Money dolls are also commonly made to bring money into a person's life by making a poppet and stuffing it full of ground up money and other herbs that bring in the cash. The idea in this case is that 'like attracts like' and that by imitating something it will manifest.

This type of magick is its own category, but can overlap with the following:

  • Earth Magick
  • Elemental Magick
  • Energy Magick
  • Folk Magick 
  • Talismanic Magick

Tarot Magick

Tarot Magick

Tarot Magick can be used by anyone. Because each tarot card has a general energetic meaning that we can tap into, Tarot Magick involves the use of the cards to either visualize what you'd like to create or to use with other forms of magick such as candles in order to create a more specific and powerful outcome.

This type of magick could fall into any of the categories described at the top of this page.

Visual Magick

Visual Magick

This kind of magick when used alone is likely the most challenging. Visual Magick uses only your imagination to visualize your outcome and then your energy to make it happen. It's used with almost all other forms of magick to strengthen the outcome, but by itself, you use no other tools to assist with focusing your energy. If you have a very strong visual imagination, then you can be quite successful using visual magick by itself.

This type of magick is mostly an energetic magick when used alone. Having said that though, any type of magick will use visualization and so falls into all of the categories described at the top of the page.

Western Magick

Western Magick

Western Magick is simply a term that describes any type of magick that originates after the age of "Enlightenment." Mostly practiced by Western cultures, it focuses more on internal growth and mind magick than on more traditional magick that relies heavily on ancestral and spirit participation. Many people have done searches for this term, so I wanted to include it here although it's not a specific type of magick per se. Some schools of magick that are considered to be Western Magick are Ceremonial or High Magick, Wicca, some forms of Witchcraft, Sigil Magick, and Chaos Magick.

White Magick

White Magick

Just like Black Magick, White Magick speaks more to intent than to a type of magick. White simply means "good" in this case. More specifically, if your intention behind your magick is to do no harm to another, or to yourself, then it can be considered White Magick. Some would go so far as to say that this type of magick also needs to be completely selfless, meaning that you cannot profit from it in any way. Human beings don't do anything without some kind of profit, even if it's an emotional profit, or in order to grow as a person, etc. - that's all a profit, so I don't go that far in my definition. If you are doing good works, countering negativity and evil, then you are practicing White Magick.

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Some research for this site was conducted with the assistance of ChatGPT. All information was checked for accuracy by the owner of SigilArtandMagick.com.

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Practical Sigil Magic for Beginners, (written by yours truly), is now available in Softcover and Kindle formats! Click here to check it out on Amazon:  https://amzn.to/3O7ANmP