Card of the Day

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The first card you see is your Card of the Day.
Additionally, you may ask a question and then refresh your browser to get an additional card.

From the Rider Waite Tarot deck. You can purchase a copy for yourself from Amazon or anywhere tarot cards are sold. Interpretations were researched with the assistance of ChatGPT and are aligned with my own experience with tarot.

Welcome to the Card of the Day!

Along with your above Daily Tarot Card, you may also choose from any of the timeless Tarot or Oracle card draws below. Timeless just means that whenever you are drawn to a particular image, it will be relevant to you at that time regardless of when the card was posted.

Timeless Card of the Day Draws

Interpretations for these card draws are excerpted from the books that come with the corresponding decks.

Crystal Wisdom Oracle

Messenger Oracle
The Kingdom Within Tarot

Illustrated Herbiary Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle

Crystal Wisdom Oracle
The Kingdom Within Tarot

I Ching Oracle
Spirit of the Animals Oracle

Medicine Cards
Herbcrafter Tarot

Blessed Be
Spirit of the Animals

Spirit of the Animals
Earth Magic

Crystal Wisdom

The Kingdom Within Tarot
Messenger Oracle

Illustrated Herbiary
Spirit of the Animals

Blessed Be Cards
The Faery Forest Oracle

Moonology Oracle Cards
Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle

Spirit of the Animals Oracle
Spirit of the Animals Oracle

The Kingdom Within Tarot
Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle

Spirit of the Animals Oracle
Illustrated Herbiary Back

The Faery Forest Oracle
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards

Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle
Spirit of the Animals Oracle

Moonology Oracle Cards
Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle

(Appropriate card given the current energy around the Coronavirus.)

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Obligatory Statement: 'For entertainment purposes only.'

Links to products on Amazon and other sites may allow me to earn a small commission on purchases that you make after clicking on them. This in no way changes the price of the products that you buy, but it is a great way to throw a bit of change into my tip jar. Much gratitude to you, and Blessed Be!

Some research for this site was conducted with the assistance of ChatGPT. All information was checked for accuracy by the owner of

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