Friday, July 31, 2020

In case you've landed here directly without knowing what the heck is going on, read the instructions below. 

If you're a pro at this, then pick your card(s) and scroll down for the reveal and card meanings.

Weekly Pick-a-Card Instructions: You will first see an image with the backs of the cards at the top of the page as well as what deck I'm using. Close your eyes (obviously don't be driving while you do this), take a deep breath and focus on a situation in your life that you would like some insight into. If you don't have anything specific in mind, you can simply say (or think to yourself): "What do I need to see right now that I am not currently seeing?"

Then open your eyes and look at the image of the backs of the cards and choose either one, two, or all three cards - whatever calls to you. Once you've done that, scroll down that page to see the reveal and the card meanings.

All interpretations are going to include some or all of the deck's card meanings from the book that came with it. This is done because I will have no way of knowing what question you've asked and I have found that a straight meaning from the deck's book is the most accurate in those cases. I also use many different Oracle decks in addition to Tarot and in those cases it only makes sense to use the meanings that come with the deck.

Card Meanings:

Card One (Left): 

“3 - Mookaite Jasper – The Dreamtime

Check your diet. Put your skills to use -vigorously. Adventurous times lie ahead. Worry not. You are protected against deceit and enemies. Recognize your strengths, stay positive and pragmatic, reject unrealistic ideas. Avoid pride and despair. You have stamina: wait patiently. If two courses of action are open, go for the straightforward one. A professional challenge, such as a job interview or presentation, is successful.”

Card Two (Middle): 

“1 - Black Tourmaline – Protection

Strengthen your protection. Consolidate plans and be realistic. You’ll soon see the way through obstacles. Ensure that you are well protected. Ill-wishing or envy may be directed your way. Neutralize ‘bad’ energy without harm to others. Watch your thoughts. Attend to practical matters. Be generous and give others freedom.”

Card Three (Right):

“33 – Preseli Bluestone – The Inner Compass

Use natural medicine for ailments. Pay attention to your boundaries. Dig deep into the past, access your memories and cut yourself free. Examine your deepest intentions and roots. Live in the present moment. Find your own direction and face challenges with equanimity. You have power to decide. Pay particular attention to your environment.”

I Would Love to Hear from You!

Did any of these cards hit home for you? Were they a complete miss? Do you have any questions about the reading? Let me know below how the Weekly Pick a Card helped (or didn't help) you in your situation!

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Obligatory Statement: 'For entertainment purposes only.'

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Some research for this site was conducted with the assistance of ChatGPT. All information was checked for accuracy by the owner of

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Practical Sigil Magic for Beginners, (written by yours truly), is now available in Softcover and Kindle formats! Click here to check it out on Amazon: